S’il est aujourd’hui manifeste que la généralisation de la consommation collaborative a été considérablement favorisée par l’évolution de la numérisation [Heilbrunn et Benoît, 2016], les sources « (…)
It has been reported that familiarity or incidental similarities with a stranger influenced an individual’s behavior. However, the effect of the sense of geographical proximity believing that (…)
This study provides an empirical demonstration that people’s reaction to youth drinking are influenced by the alleged motive for drinking and that regulations can easily be violated as soon as the (…)
L’effet Hawthorne fait référence au processus psychologique selon lequel les résultats d’une expérimentation doivent moins à son protocole qu’à la motivation des sujets observés dans l’étude, du (…)
Three studies investigated the effects of love priming on text recall. In Study 1, love was induced through exposition to scrambled words and letters semantically associated with love. It was (…)
An experiment with 212 students (100 men, 112 women ; M age = 18.3 years, SD = 0.9) was carried out to compare the effect of four techniques used by mediators on the number of agreements (…)
Research has shown that mimicking someone is a way for solicitors to be perceived more positively and to increase compliance with a helping request. The effect of mimicking on children and on (…)
Three experiments were conducted in field settings. It was hypothesized that luxury stores may act as environmental reminders of materialism and that helpfulness would vary according to the (…)
Les premiers travaux sur l’imitation en psychologie sociale ont observé les effets de l’imitation sans s’intéresser aux mécanismes sous-jacents qui la compose et sans en évaluer l’impact social. (…)
A field experiment was conducted to explore whether certain urban places have an influence on helpfulness. Places semantically associated with the idea of love may act as primes and trigger (…)
A field experiment was conducted (N = 216) to test the sequential priming of love as a compliance-gaining technique. Employees of the Parisian metro were asked for an undue late note by a female (…)
Beaucoup de travaux notamment en économie (Ayres et Sigelman, 1995 ; Badcock et Laschever, 2003) ont montré que les femmes étaient moins susceptibles que les hommes d’engager une négociation (…)
We conducted 2 experiments (N = 180 participants in Study 1 and N = 102 in Study 2) to examine the effect of imitation shown by a mediator towards negotiators who were on opposing sides in regard (…)
This study investigates reactions to female talk. Despite stereotypic knowledge of female talk as gossip, empirical data is lacking as to whether it may influence behavior. In a natural setting, (…)
This experiment tested the assumption that music plays a role in sexual selection. Three hundred young women were solicited in the street for their phone number by a young male confederate who (…)
Cet ouvrage, dirigé conjointement avec un psychosociologue, dresse un état des lieux rigoureux, actualisé et très accessible sur les plus récentes dispositions juridiques se rapportant à la (…)
160 young women were solicited in the street to have a drink with a young male confederate. In the ingratiation condition, the solicitor complimented the woman regarding her physical appearance (…)
The "evoking freedom" technique is a verbal compliance procedure that solicits someone to comply with a request by simply telling them they are free to accept or to refuse the request. (…)
In a field setting, participants (N = 227) were primed with 1 of 3 concepts : love (positive valence), distress (negative valence), or solidarity (positive valence). Participants were then asked (…)
Dans une expérience menée en milieu naturel, des passants (n = 180) ont été sollicités afin de donner leur opinion relativement à des réfugiés étrangers sans papiers, et afin d’apporter de l’aide (…)
This study tested, in a natural setting, the effect of mimicry on people’s disposition toward helping others and the extent to which this helping behavior is extended to people not directly (…)
In a field setting, male passersby (N = 120) were asked by a female confederate to indicate the direction of Valentine Street (Martin Street in the control group). Thirty meters ahead, the (…)
In the experiment we conducted, participants were separated into guilt or not guilt conditions, with guilt induced by causing participants to feel that they were responsible for something wrong (…)
Deux expériences ont été effectuées pour observer si l’induction sémantique d’un sentiment de liberté dans le cadre d’une interaction par ordinateur faciliterait l’acceptation d’une requête de la (…)