Quelques publications récentes :
1. Morineau, T., Chapelain, P., & Quinio P. (2015). Task management skills and their deficiencies during care delivery in simulated medical emergency situation : A classification. Intensive & Critical Care Nursing, on line first.
2. Chapelain, P., Morineau, T., & Gautier, C. (2015). Effects of communication on the performance of nursing students during the simulation of an emergency situation. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 71(11), 2650-2660.
3. Rechard, J., Bignon, A., Berruet, P., & Morineau, T. (2015). Verification and validation of a work domain analysis with Turing machine task analysis. Applied Ergonomics, 47, 265-273.
4. Morineau, T., Riffaud, L., Morandi, X., Villain, J., & Jannin, P. (2015). Work domain constraints for modelling surgical performance. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and
Surgery, 10 (10), 1589-1597.
5. Rechard, J., Morineau, T., Léger, F., Bignon, A, Kesraoui, D., Bouillon J.F, Berruet, P. (2015). Experimental verification of ecological interface prototype issued by an automated generated tool. Procedia Manufacturing, 3, 5747-5754.
6. Meineri, S., & Morineau, T. (2014). How the psychological theory of action identification can offer new advances for research in cognitive engineering. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 15(5), 451-463.
7. Morineau, T., Morandi, X, Le Moëllic, N., and Jannin, P. (2013). A cognitive engineering framework for specification of information requirements in medical imaging : application in image guided neurosurgery. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 8, 291-300.
8. Morineau, T. (2011). Turing Machine Task Analysis : a method for modelling affordances in the design process. International Journal of Design Engineering, special issue on "Design in Nature", 4, 58-70.
Articles dans revue à comité de lecture :
Morineau, T., Morandi, X, Le Moëllic, N., and Jannin, P. (accepted). A cognitive engineering framework for specification of information requirements in medical imaging : application in image guided neurosurgery. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery.
Morineau, T. (2011). Turing Machine Task Analysis : a method for modelling affordances in the design process. International Journal of Design Engineering, special issue on "Design in Nature", 4, 58-70.
Guéguen, N., Jacob, C., and Morineau, T. (2011). What is in a name ? An effect of similarity in computer-mediated communication. E-Journal of Applied Psychology, 6, 1-4.
Morineau, T. (2010). La méthode TMTA d’analyse écologique de la tâche et son application à une tâche praxique. Le Travail Humain, 73, 97-122.
Morineau, T. & Frénod, E. (2009). Modelling of affordance in the predation behaviour of a virtual tick. European Journal of Scientific Research,vol.33, issue 1, 130-143. PDF
Morineau, T., Morandi, X, Le Moëllic, N., Diabira S., Riffaud L., Haegelen C., Hénaux P.-L., and Jannin, P. (2009). Decision Making During Preoperative Surgical Planning.Human Factors,51, 67-77
Morineau, T., Beuzet, E., Rachinel, A., and Tobin L. (2009). Experimental Evaluation of a tidal display based on Ecological Interface Design Framework. Cognition, Technology and Work, 11, 119-127.
Morineau, T., Frénod E., Blanche, C., and Tobin L. (2009). Turing Machine as an ecological model for Task Analysis. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, vol.10, n°6, 511-529.
Guéguen N., Jacob C., Le Guellec H., Morineau T., & Lourel M. (2008). Sound level of background music and alcohol consumption : an extending research. Alcoholism : Clinical and Experimental Research, 32, 1795-1798.
Morineau, T. et Billet, H. (2007). L’analyse du domaine de travail et les cartes cognitives pour évaluer une IHM – Application à un logiciel de finance. Revue d’Interaction Homme-Machine,8, 99-116.PDF
Blanche, C., Goubert E., & Morineau, T. (2006). Une approche d’ingénierie cognitive pour la Gestion Intégrée de Zones Côtières : le cas d’un barrage sur un estuaire. Vertigo. La revue en sciences de l’environnement, Vol 7, n°3, décembre.
Morineau, T. (2005). L’émergence d’une perspective écologique en psychologie ergonomique. Revue d’Intelligence Artificielle, 19, 305-318.
Morineau, T., Blanche, C., Tobin, L., and Guéguen, N. (2005). The emergence of the contextual role of the e-book in cognitive processes through an ecological and functional analysis. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 62,329-348.PDF
Morineau T., Hoc J.-M., and Denecker P. (2003). Cognitive levels of control in Air-Traffic Radar Controller Activity. International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 13, 107-130.
Morineau, T., & Parenthoën, M. (2003). Une présentation de l’approche écologique en psychologie ergonomique. Psychologie Française, 48, 77-88.
Parenthoën M., Tisseau J. & Morineau T. (2002). Believable Decision for Virtual Actors. IEEE, International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, vol. 3, 6 pp. PDF
Guéguen N., Pascual A., Jacob C., & Morineau T. (2002), Request solicitation and semantic evocation of freedom : An evaluation in a computer-mediated communication context, Perceptual and Motor Skills, 95, 208-212.
Morineau T. (2000). Context effect on problem solving during a first immersion in a Virtual Environment. Current Psychology of Cognition, 19, 533-555. PDF
Article sur invitation :
Morineau, T. (2011). Commentaires sur l’article « Repenser la notion d’affordance dans ses dynamiques sémiotiques » de Simone Morgagni. Intellectica, 55.
Morineau, T. (2009). Pour une analyse écologique du travail et de la technologie. Dossier thématique sur la technocratie, Droit de cités, revue électronique http://droitdecites.org/
Morineau T. (2002). Approche psycho-ergonomique des troubles praxiques : le système "Homme-Outil-Tâche-Environnement ". Revue Handicap, Numéro spécial " ergonomie et handicap ", 93, 47-56.
Morineau T. (2002). Influence des environnements virtuels sur les utilisateurs. Traité des Techniques de l’Ingénieur, Télécoms, TE 5-950.