Participation à des projets de recherche
ANR ODIN Orphan Drugs Innovation. Coordinateur du projet Philippe Gorry. Projet présélectioné.
ANR EMTT EMTT, Europe as a Migration continent : A talent and Trade perspective. Coordinateur du projet Professeur Francesco Lissoni. Projet présélectionné.
INCAMED ORPH Cancers rares et médicaments orphelins : innovation et inégalité. http://gretha.u- Responsable du projet au GREThA : Philippe Gorry (Start January 2016).
ICATSEM - Institutional Changes and trajectories of socioeconomic development models. (Under grant agreement n° 225349). Work package 4 « Sectoral studies of institutional configurations and industrial dynamics ». The WP4 leader : Bernard Jullien, University of Bordeaux.
FINNOV - Finance, Innovation and Growth : changing patterns and policy implications. FINNOV is aimed at understanding the relationship between changing financial markets, innovation dynamics, and economic performance. The project was co-ordinated by Professor M. Mazzucato. WP5 -Corporate Governance and Innovation : Implications for Stable and Equitable Economic Growth, WP5 leader : Claude Dupuy, University of Bordeaux.
DRUID 20th Anniversary Conference. Copenhagen, Denmark, June 13-15, 2016 (Parallel Paper Session-Funding Entrepreneurship)
American Association of Geographers. California. USA. April exp. 2016
DRUID Academy 2016 as Senior Discussant and Chair. University of Bordeaux. January 2016
CERDI, Atelier Migrations Internationales GDRI, Université d’Auvergne, Clermont Ferrand. Nov 2015
Urban and Regional Research Center Utrecht (URU), Invited by Pierre-Alexandre Balland. Oct 2015
ENEF 2015 : 12th European Network on the Economics of the Firm meeting. Toulouse, France. Sep 2015
2nd International Conference on the Dynamics of Entrepreneurship. Center for European Research (ZEW). Mannheim, Germany. May 2014
DRUID Summer Conference 2013. ESADE Business School, Barcelona. Spain. Juin 2013
EMAEE 2013 : 8th European Meeting on Applied Evolutionary Economics. SKEMA Business School, Sophia Antipolis, France. Juin 2013
PSDM-OCDE, Patent Statistics For Decision Makers. "Knowledge Assets and Economic Growth". Paris, France. (28-29 November, 2012)
The Governance of a Complex World. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, Nice, France. (1st-3rd November, 2012)
DRUID Summer Conference 2012 :“The role of patents as signals for the IPO market : An empirical comparison for the U.S and the European software industry” Best Young Scholar Paper Award, DRUID Summer Conference 2012. Copenhagen Business School. Danemark. (Juin 2012)
CISS - Competition and Innovation Summerschool, Turunç/Marmaris, Turkey. (May 2012)
La nouvelle alliance industrielle- Entrepreneurs, innovation et création de valeur dans la mondialisation. ISEG GROUP, Paris. (5 avril 2012)
DRUID Academic conference 2012 for doctoral students in economics and management of innovation, technology and Organization. The Moeller Centre / University of Cambridge, UK. (January 2012)
IIDEOS PHD colloquium in Innovation, Industrial Dynamics, Entrepreneurship, Organisation and Space at the university of Philipps in Marburg, Germany. (October 2011)
Workpackage 5 FINNOV (Finance Innovation and Growth) Conference on the roles of financial institutions and leading industrial Sectors. Meeting at the University of Bordeaux Montesquieu IV, France. (September 2011)
Workpackage 4 ICATSEM (Institutional Changes and trajectories of socioeconomic development models) meeting at the university of Limerick, Ireland. (May 2011)
Workpackage 4 ICATSEM (Institutional Changes and trajectories of socioeconomic development models) meeting at the university of Padova (Italy). Research project presented : “The comparative data on software industry in France and Germany”. (April 2010)
Workpackage 4 ICATSEM (Institutional Changes and trajectories of socioeconomic development models) meeting at ENS Cachan – Paris(France). Research project presented : “New economy industries : The historical construction of software industry.” (November 2009)
Useche D. 2014. Are patents signals for the IPO market ? An EU-US comparison for the Software Industry. Research policy 43, 1299–1311.
Useche, D., 2015, Patent behaviour and the Survival of newly-listed European Software firms. Industry and Innovation 22(01) : 1-22.
Working papers and work in progress
Highly-skilled migrants and Cross-border M&A : Firm-level evidence (with Francesco Lissoni and Ernest Miguelez) (Expected submission : August 2016- target : Journal of International Business Studies)
Orphan Drug Designations as valuable intangible assets for IPO investors in biotech Companies (with Philippe Gorry) (Expected submission : August 2016) target : Journal of Management Studies)
Conveying quality and competitive advantage in a reputational market (with Sophie Pommet) (Work in progress- target : Academy of Management Proceedings)
“The political strategy for innovation in the European software industry”. ICATSEM Research project.
“The comparative data on software industry in France and Germany”. ICATSEM Research project.
“New economy industries : The historical construction of software industry”. ICATSEM Research project.