– Chauvin, C. (2011). Human factors and maritime safety. Journal of Navigation. 64, 1-8.
– Chauvin, C., Morel, G., Tirilly, G. (2010). The use of Information and Communication Technology in the Sea Fishing Industry. Behaviour and Information Technology, 294, 403-413.
– Cuny, X., Chauvin, C. (2009). Decision-making in controlling development of driving/piloting situations. Safety Science. 47/9, 1201-1204.
– Chauvin, C., Clostermann, J.P., Hoc, J.M. (2009). Impact of Training Programs on Decision-Making and Situation Awareness of Young Watch Officers. Safety Science. 47/9, 222-1231.
– Morel, G., Amalberti, R., Chauvin, C. (2009). How good Micro/Macro Ergonomics May improve Resilience, But Not Necessarily Safety. Safety Science, 47, 285-294.
– Morel, G., Amalberti, R., Chauvin, C. (2009). How good Micro/Macro Ergonomics May Improve Resilience, But Not Necessarily Safety. Safety Science, 47, 285-294.
– Chauvin, C., Lardjane, S. (2008). Decision-making and strategies in an interaction situation : collision avoidance at sea. Transportation Research, part F, 11/4, 259-269.
– Chauvin, C., Clostermann, J.P., Hoc, J.M. (2008). Situation Awareness and the decision-making process in a dynamic situation : avoiding collisions at sea. Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making, 2 (1), 1-23. Revue publiée par l’HFES (Human Factors and Ergonomics Society).
– Morel, G., Amalberti, R., Chauvin, C. (2008). Safety and Resilience : Articulation and difference – The example of the professional fishing industry. Human Factors, 50 (1), 1-16.
– Chauvin, C., Le Bouar, G., Renault, C. (2008). Integration of the human factor into the design and construction of fishing vessels. Cognition, Technology and Work, 10, 69-77.
– Chauvin, C., Letirand, F., Delhomme, P. (2007). Les déterminants socio-cognitifs de la prise de décision en situation dynamique. Le Travail Humain, 70, 33-65.
– Chauvin, C, Le Bouar, G. (2007). Occupational injury in the French sea fishing industry : A comparative study between the 1980s and today. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 39, 79-85.
– Coéditrice, avec X. Cuny (Professeur Honoraire au CNAM) d’un numéro spécial intitulé « Research in Ergonomic Psychology in the transportation field in France », publié par la revue « Safety Science » (47/9, novembre 2009).
– Boutet, A., Chauvin, C. (2008). Une démarche pluri-disciplinaire pour saisir la complexité des usages dans des réseaux professionnels. In M.Benedetto et R. Chevallet (Eds.), Analyser les usages des systèmes d’information et des TIC : Quelles démarches, quelles méthodes ? Editions de l’ANACT.